
  1. 王能中、徐巍榮,“在無線感測網路中具Q學習機制的資料散播協定”,2018年第十三屆智慧生活科技研討會最佳論文獎,2018年5月。

  2. 陳昀廷、李岱容、張富傑、蔣宜蘋,“The System of Medication Dispensing and Management,”NAPROCK 10 th International Programming Contest特別獎,日本德島,2018年10月。(指導教授:韓欽銓)

  3. 洪顥菖、李崇緯、陳世翔,“行動智慧醫療照護系統”,全國資訊教育與科技應用專題競賽第二名,2018年3月。(指導教授:李國川)

  4. 陳世翔、洪顥菖、劉貴傑、李崇緯、劉昱顯、游君帥、林俊緯,“行動醫療居家照護系統”,全國電子設計創意競賽佳作,2018年4月。(指導教授:李國川)

  5. 劉昱顥、游君帥、林俊緯,“居家安全自動偵防車Pimy”,全國電子設計創意競賽佳作,2018年4月。(指導教授:李國川、黃豐隆)

  6. 游君帥、劉昱顯、簡偉丞、林俊緯,“大數據物聯網居家照護”,全國學生專題製作競賽第二名,2018年11月。(指導教授:李國川)

  7. 廖日榮、王尊鴻、陳啟明、吳庭華、王柏允、魏宇坤,“智慧工安帽”,第23屆全國資訊應用服務創新競賽第二名,2018年11月。(指導教授:黃豐隆)

  8. 廖日榮、王尊鴻、陳啟明,“工安帽2.0”,全國大專院校產學創新實作競賽-資訊與電子組第三名,2018年11月。(指導教授:黃豐隆)

  9. 李昱德、劉宇浩、黃泓賓、黃昱凱、汪子軼,“智慧家庭陪伴系統”,全國大專院校產學創新實作競賽-資訊與電子組佳作,2018年11月。(指導教授:王能中)

  10. 林豐禾、彭稟皓、徐代晏、徐宏昌,“I Recycle System”,全國大專院校產學創新實作競賽-綠色科技組佳作,2018年11月。(指導教授:江緣貴)


  1. N.-C. Wang*, Y.-K. Chiang, and C.-H. Hsieh, “An Efficient Grid-Based Data Aggregation Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks,” Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 19, No. 7, pp. 2197-2205, December 2018. (SCI, EI)


  1. Y.-F. Huang*, T.-H. Tan, N.-C. Wang, Y.-L. Chen, and Y.-L. Li, “Resource Allocation for D2D Communications with a Novel Distributed Q-Learning Algorithm in Heterogeneous Networks,” Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2018), Crowne Plaza Chengdu City Center, Chengdu, China, pp. 533-537, July 15-18, 2018.

  2. N.-C. Wang* and W.-J. Hsu, “Q-Learning Based Data Dissemination Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks,” Proceedings of the 2018 Mobile Computing Workshop (MC 2018), Aspire Resort, Longtan, Taoyuan, Taiwan, ROC, No. 23, August 26-27, 2018.

  3. N.-C. Wang*, T.-Y. Wang, and P.-Y. Chen, “A Family Community Application System with Face Emotion Recognition Mechanism,” Proceedings of the 2018 Mobile Computing Workshop (MC 2018), Aspire Resort, Longtan, Taoyuan, Taiwan, ROC, No. 27, August 26-27, 2018.

  4. N.-C. Wang*, H.-Y. Chuang, T.-Y. Wang, K.-C. Shen, M.-H. Yu, C.-M. Huang, and C.-Y. Lin, “A Mobile Application System for Touristry,” Proceedings of the 2018 Mobile Computing Workshop (MC 2018), Aspire Resort, Longtan, Taoyuan, Taiwan, ROC, No. 28, August 26-27, 2018.

  5. N.-C. Wang* and L.-C. Huang, “Q-Learning Based Geocasting Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks,” Proceedings of the 2018 Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WASN 2018), Aspire Resort, Longtan, Taoyuan, Taiwan, ROC, No. 30, August 26-27, 2018.

  6. N.-C. Wang* and W.-J. Hsu, “A Q-Learning Approach for Data Dissemination Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Proceedings of the 2018 Symposium on Intelligent Living Technology (ILT 2018), National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC, NTD005, June 1, 2018.

  7. N.-C. Wang* and L.-C. Huang, “A Q-Learning Approach for Geocasting Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Proceedings of the 2018 Symposium on Intelligent Living Technology (ILT 2018), National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC, NTD007, June 1, 2018

  8. F.-L. Huang and K.-S. Liu, “Research on the Input Method of Hakka Language for Intelligent Mobile Devices,” Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2018), Chengdu, China, July 2018.

  9. H.-C. Hsin and C.-K. Su, “Seam Based Thresholding for Stabilization of Retargeted Videos in Saliency Domain,” Proceedings of the 2018 Global Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, July 2018.

  10. 李國川、劉昱顯、游君帥、林俊緯、黃豐隆, “Security-Detecting Car for Hospital and Home,” Proceedings of the 2018 Symposium on Intelligent Living Technology (ILT 2018), Taichung, 2018.